
What is the WE Community?

WE believes in creating an environment that builds relationships, encourages others and supports efforts to shape the future of the health and wellness industry. WE brings this vision to life through all of our supporters – called our WE Community. If you believe the future is bright and you want to engage in this vision with us, please join our Community of Supporters.

What are the benefits of joining the WE Community?

Being part of the WE Community connects you to a group of Supporters who are current and future leaders in the Health and Wellness industry and are aligned to the WE purpose.

Benefits of being part of the WE Community are:

– Influence in the Industry – Use your voice to shape the future

– Development of the Next Generation of Leaders

– Networking. Encouragement. Connections. Relationships.

– Organizational Best Practice Sharing

– Education and Learning

– Personal Development

How can I be part of the WE Community?

The WE Community is inclusive and open to retailers, suppliers and business partners in the Health and Wellness industry. As WE continues to build its community, please sign up via the links below to receive updates on news, events, and education opportunities. WE promises not to bombard you with emails and WE would never sell your information. WE wants you to be informed of the great events and opportunities to connect to our vision.

Join Now!

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Join our WE Group on LinkedIn


How we use your data:

1) We never sell your information.

2) We use your information to send event reminders and other information specifically related to WE. Occasionally, we may share information about other events from our partners and sponsors.

3) You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing and asking for your information to be removed.